“In these unprecedented times, the audiovisual, film and entertainment industries are under significant pressure and compelled to reinvent themselves. We have given much thought to the pros and cons of organizing an on-site SATIS or an online SATIS. The anxiety of the “D” day was rising among the exhibitors so this SATIS might not have been very exciting that’s why we began looking for an alternative…” mentions Stephan Faudeux, director of the show before adding … “As the film director Claude Lelouch reminded us when he was awarded with an SATIS honorary award last year: “Constraint calls on the imagination!”.
“Since its creation 39 years ago, The event has been based on highlighting experiences, exchanging information, presentations and demonstrations… Ingredients that we find every day on traditional TV channels, so the idea grew : why not consider a thematic channel with a program schedule that reflects the variety of our issues while taking advantage of the technologies that our exhibitors have to offer? “, explains the director of SATIS.
The idea was immediately met with a positive response, especially since with the convergence of video and IT, the community has great products and services to present and new uses to demonstrate…
This is how the SATIS TV project was born. The channel will offer a real program schedule with multiple formats under the sign of exchanges and diversity of contents. Networking tools available via the website and the IOS and Android mobile application will promote meetings between participants (matchmaking, live chat and videoconferencing appointments possible).
During the 4 days of broadcast, SATIS TV will develop a broad overview of trends in the audiovisual industry, broadcast, cinema, communication and integration with live programs, on-site reports, interviews around technical and creative topics (cinema, documentaries, animation), workshops (product presentations). The backbone of the channel will be based on conferences, the initial federating element of SATIS.
This TV program will have the advantage of existing on demand all year round since the content will then be available on VOD and these video contents will be able to address an international French-speaking audience.
The program grid developed over 4 days includes most of the talks planned in the Agora but also other formats.
- Around thirty conferences, round tables, master classes, etc.
The speakers will meet on a TV set with an animator/moderator. Some talks will be broadcast live with chat sessions and other lectures will be broadcast offline. These conferences represent a pillar of
the project and will guarantee a multiplied audience. They deal with current topics and issues in line with the demands of professionals.
- The Talks
The Talks offer a one-to-one meeting with a manufacturer, distributor, to talk about a new product, a news item or a creative point with a director, a cinematographer, a calibrator, an animator? The spectators/interviewers can ask questions live. The speakers can upload photos and documents the day after the live event.
- Happy Hour
A director, producer, technician, researcher comes to talk about a project, a program, a film, a novelty from the angle “How does innovation serve creation? »
- The Lab
Labs offer to discuss a technical point with a specialist. They illustrate in detail a subject, a use… These workshops allow to give a precise and comprehensible light to everyone. Popularizing without distorting, being demanding and friendly is the DNA of the Lab.
- Behind the scenes
Les Coulisses proposes video reports to show, present a place, a service provider, a set, a OB van…
- The Awards
The SATIS Awards will allow the show’s partners to put their new products and services in competition. Live award ceremony by the teams
- The 360 Film Festival***
The fifth edition of the Immersive festival will give the floor to the winners of the three 2020 Grand Prizes and will shed light on their manufacturing secrets following the live award ceremony.
- Short Formats
– Spotlight on the Trophies and contents selected in the Official Competition of the 360 Film Festival.
– The snapshot … A range of expression for visitors who share their tips and tricks, their business vision, their favorites (videoconference or podcast format – 3 min max).
Networking & Business
It will be possible to network with registered professionals, to benefit from appointment booking and to organize meetings by videoconference from a smartphone as well as on the desktop.
The SATIS mobile application will provide general information, the event agenda, replay of conferences, media content (photos, videos, pdf…) and will allow interactivity during live events.
Some live programs will be broadcasted on social networks but in order to be able to watch the all the programs of this channel you need necessary to be registered!
Visitor accreditations are opened and admission is free!
* About Génération Numérique
Founded in 2014, Génération Numérique is a 360 agency which offers information services to professionals in the film, television and new media industries. The company publishes two BtoB magazines: Mediakwest and Sonovision. To strengthen this information ecosystem, Génération Numérique acquired the SATIS and merged the tradeshow with Screen4ALL, the Forum for Innovative Technologies for Film, Television and New Media. Génération Numérique was born from the passion of its founders for creation and innovation and the will to share with the progress of an audiovisual ecosystem in constant evolution.
** SATIS is organized with the support of the Seine-Saint-Denis district, the Plaine Commune area, The CNC and the Pole Media Grand Paris.
***About the 360 Film Festival
An international showcase for all immersive formats (VR/360, augmented reality, large formats), the 360 Film Festival embodies the vitality of creation in the territory of new immersive digital formats. For its fifth and next edition, the Immersive Festival continues to evolve and now accepts Dome, CAVE, Mapping 360, Scenography screenings within its Large Format category…
Dates to remember:
- September 15: Closing of the call for content
- November: Awards ceremony live on SATIS TV and interview of the winners.
- November: Broadcasting of the selected contents during SATIS TV
Follow the SATIS and Screen4ALL on social networks …
Facebook : Satisexpo / Screen4All / 360 Film Festival
Twitter : @satisexpo / @Screen4allforum
LinkedIn : Groupes Satis Expo et Screen4all